Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Seraphim leaf katana from Kore wa Zonbi Desu ka?

So I'm digging Hulu plus it has a lot more anime on it than crunchyroll,  I'm not a crunchyroll hater still like it but Hulu has my attention right now.  So being really afraid of zombies of course I had to check out the series "Kore wa Zonbi Desu ka?" which translates roughly to is this a zombie?  Fun little series.  I want to make the chainsaw from the main character but I figured I make a little palate cleanser first and make Seraphim's leaf katana.  Seraphim is a vampire ninja and seh can use leaves to make katana's and other ninja weapons.  Here is a picture of the main female cast, Seraphim is the one on the left with the dark blue cape and yellow shirt.

This picture really doesn't do the sword justice so I found a couple more but eventually ended up screen capturing several fight scenes so I could get a better view.  Here are the ones I found on the web.

These are a little better but not great.

So what I did was I used 1/2 inch MDF board and cut two templates of the sword out.  Then I glued them clamped them together and let them dry overnight.  Next day I got my table top sander out with the drum attachment and sanded down the rough spots and curved the edges and added a slight edge to it.  After that I decided to carve in the dark green lines to give it some depth and better detailing.  Tried the dremel first but it just wasn't happening the tip liked to skip on me.  So brought out the old trusty files and grabbed a round one and went to town sanded in the grooves.  After that I started finish sanding with 220 grit sandpaper and went on up to 600 grit before primer paint.  3 coats of primer and it was time to use some emerald green paint to finish it.  After 2 coast of that paint and s rub down with 600 grit sandpaper to take off the shine it was time to paint the grooves.  I used a dark green and handpainted the grooves making sure to stay in the lines and clean up my mistakes.  Once it dried it got 3 coats of matte acrylic sealer cause I did not want it to shine too much.  and here is the final product.  Took around 4 hours to make a template, cut, glue, sand, file, paint and detail paint it.  (this does not include drying time)

Better picture of the grooves and the smoothness!
 Another one not the best quality picture unfortunately maybe I need a photography lesson.
 Better up close view
 Don't worry no animals were harmed in the displaying of this prop.

So the sword measures 40 inches in length and the blade is 1 1/2 inches wide with 1 inch thickness and  weighs a little under 2lbs.  Fun little breather project 

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